It happens to everyone at some point. You turn on your computer, sit down ready to get to work, look up at the screen, and there it is: no internet connection. No need to grab the rice; just take a deep breath, then follow these simple steps to get yourself...

Data Backup: Steps to Protect Your Data

With our personal lives and careers becoming increasingly digital, we rely on our devices to store many documents vital to our everyday lives. Likely, you’ve already downloaded a document you need for work, taken a photo of your pet, noted a significant address, or gotten some work done on one...

Affiliate Program News

Introducing the Hotwire Networks Affiliates Referral Program.   Just click here and sign up.  With Hotwire Networks, our Affiliates receive the same commission for each new referral. The referral program is easy to understand and very straightforward. As a Hotwire Networks Affiliate, you will receive the same commission for each referral, and...

11 Beginner Website Mistakes

Many businesses understand the importance of establishing an engaging online presence through a website. But achieving that is a big task. If your business is relatively new or just developing its online presence, you may have made some detrimental but easy to fix mistakes. So take some time and review...

International Internet Day

October 29th marks international internet day, a celebration of the first use of the internet on this date in 1969. International Internet Day had its start in 2005 and is celebrated annually on October 29th. International Internet Day marks the historic day in telecommunications and technology when the very first...

Saying Thanks to Technology for Thanksgiving

Today, across the country, Americans gather with their families to reflect on the theme of gratitude in their lives. Although Thanksgiving may involve different celebrations for many of us, whether that’s watching a big game, making a family meal, or prepping for a big night of shopping, the concept of...

Hotwire Networks Thanks All Our Veterans

Hotwire Networks Thanks You This Veterans Day 2017, Hotwire Networks sends out heartfelt thanks to all US Veterans and victims of all wars. Without these brave souls dedicated to serving and protecting others, we would have a very different way of life. This year, take a moment and find a...

Infamous Technology Spooks in History

Halloween opens a playful Pandora’s box on campy and intriguing spooks and scares. Like recalling tales of local cryptids, retellings of campfire stories, and reflections on infamous characters in history, let’s celebrate Halloween by looking at some of the biggest tech spooks in history. Unexpected Worms in Early Cyberspace In...

Celebrate Earth Day by Reducing your Energy Use

With Earth Day comes our reminder to find new ways to take care of the planet. Although energy use from technology has become pretty unavoidable, we can always use the growing options available to reduce our carbon footprint. Here are some options to consider to engage in the digital world...

Maintaining Password Security

We are far from the days of spartan digital footprints. It may have once been reasonable to get by with only a few internet accounts, but now it seems almost every website and application needs an account and password to provide you with personalization and security. Unfortunately, creating unique passwords,...

New Year Technology To-Do’s

As we ring in the new year, we may have a seemingly endless mental tally of things we want to improve in our life for the following year. So as we look to start new projects, don't forget to focus on giving your computer the well-earned TLC it needs. Your...

How To Get Started in E-Commerce

As people spend more and more time online, they are also shopping for or being exposed to more products online. Running an online store is a complimentary way of taking advantage of growing markets online. e-commerce can seem complicated at first, especially when determining how to implement it on your...

Email Marketing Guide

There is a big push for marketers and brands to focus on their marketing and content on social media platforms, but you may be overlooking a crucial marketing tool by doing this. Email marketing is one of the most effective strategies for engaging customers and driving sales, engagement, and sustained...

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October has been declared National Cyber Security Awareness Month by President Obama. National Cyber Security Awareness Month is designed to engage and educate public and private sector partners to raise awareness about cyber security through events and initiatives and increase the nation's resiliency in the event of a cyber attack....