Halloween opens a playful Pandora’s box on campy and intriguing spooks and scares. Like recalling tales of local cryptids, retellings of campfire stories, and reflections on infamous characters in history, let’s celebrate Halloween by looking at some of the biggest tech spooks in history. Unexpected Worms in Early Cyberspace In...
Tag: Holiday
Celebrate Earth Day by Reducing your Energy Use
With Earth Day comes our reminder to find new ways to take care of the planet. Although energy use from technology has become pretty unavoidable, we can always use the growing options available to reduce our carbon footprint. Here are some options to consider to engage in the digital world...
New Year Technology To-Do’s
As we ring in the new year, we may have a seemingly endless mental tally of things we want to improve in our life for the following year. So as we look to start new projects, don't forget to focus on giving your computer the well-earned TLC it needs. Your...