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Reset your account password Print

  • reset, account, password, domain, domains
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Forgot your password? Follow these instructions to begin the reset process:


Step 1: Click on the profile icon on the top right corner of the window to Sign In

Resetting Password Step 1


Step 2: Click "Sign In" located under Registered Users

Resetting Password Step 2


Step 3: Click on "Forgot Password?" to get to the Lost Password Reset page

Resetting Password Step 3


Step 4: Enter the email address associated with your account, and click [Submit]
You will be redirected to verify security questions if your account has this feature enabled

Resetting Password Step 5


Step 3: You will receive an email at the address you entered with a link to reset your password in a few minutes.

Resetting Password Step 5


Step 6: Once you receive the email, click the link to be directed to the Lost Password Reset, Enter and reenter new password and click [Save Changes]

Resetting Password Step 6


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